How To Use Adaptogens + A Plant-Based Shake That Fights Stress With Every Sip

“Do you ever feel like you're living in a low-level state of panic, like, all the time? (Or maybe it's not so low-level...) Life is stressful—even when we're not living through a pandemic—and sometimes it can feel like you're just living on the edge, waiting for one more thing to go wrong.

“While there's no magic elixir that you can sip to make all your life stressors melt away, working adaptogenic herbs into your life can potentially help you better manage that stress.  Studies have shown that when taken regularly, adaptogens can help people feel less stressed. They also happen to be the star of the latest episode of Plant Based as key ingredients in a decadent vanilla date shake.

"Working with adaptogens, if they are right for you, is something that can be used long-term to keep the body balanced when we're tipping in any certain direction," herbalist and Supernatural founder Rachelle Robinett, RH, AHG, says in the video. She explains that adaptogens act like a thermostat. "If things get too high—like the stress hormone cortisol—adaptogens help to bring them down. If things are too low—like energy reserves—adaptogens help to bring those up."

“One popular adaptogen is ashwagandha, a shrub, with the roots being the part of the plant that people most often ingest. Ashwagandha may be helpful at helping bring calmness to the body, but when it comes to taste...well, it's pretty earthy. That's why working it into something with a bit of sweetness can be helpful—which is why this vegan vanilla milkshake recipe is such a godsend.

“Here's what's in it: oat milk, banana, dates, vanilla extract, nut or coconut butter, and of course, the starring adaptogenic herb. Robinett also adds libido-boosting maca (another adaptogen), cardamom, and dragonfruit powder, which gives it a vibrant pink color. Scroll down for the adaptogenic shake recipe and watch the video to learn even more about adaptogens. Stress reduction is only a few sips away!” - Emily Laurence, W+G


The ‘Plant for Peace’ Is a Common Herb Often Overlooked for Treating Stress


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