Video & Recipe: Mood Boosting Coconut Berry Bark

Try an herb-filled, colorful twist on traditional holiday bark with this delicious, mood-boosting version

“More than any other time of year, winter is the season when most people are especially in need of a little extra happy. It’s cold outside, the sun is nowhere to be seen (unless you live in California, in which case, I’m very jealous), and everyone exclusively wears black coats and boots everywhere.

Thankfully, herbalist, holistic health coach, and Supernatural founder Rachelle Robinett has a food-based solution in the form of a mood-boosting “blue velvet” bark, which she shares in the latest episode of Plant Based.

The happiness-inducing herbal trio Robinett uses in her recipe: albizia, lavender, and grapefruit. “Albizia, also called the mimosa tree, is known as the ‘tree of happiness,'” Robinett says of the pink, firework-esque flowers. One of the main benefits of albizia is, ICYMI, helping with mood. “Albizia is used for treating anxiety, sleeplessness, mood imbalances, and irritability.”

As for grapefruit, Robinett says the fruit is a phenomenal mood supporter. “The medicine in grapefruit comes from a terpine called limonene,” she explains, which has been shown to help improve mood. Bonus: all the vitamin C in grapefruit makes it good for your immune system, too.

Rounding out the mood-boosting triad in this recipe is lavender, which Robinett says is her favorite herb for bringing peace. “Lavender is good for treating stress, anxiety, and [supporting] the nervous system,” she says.

So how exactly do you use these ingredients? Watch the full video to see how Robinett turns them into a festive, gorgeous, holiday bark. Not only does it taste yummy—blueberries and coconut butter give it a sweet, slightly tart taste—but it legit brings holiday cheer. That’s the magic of plants, friends.”

Watch the video above to see how it’s done.


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