HRBLS in BeWell | The Best Herbs And Supplements To Keep You Healthy This Holiday Season

Reduce stress and protect your mental health

Let’s be honest — the holidays aren’t all sleigh rides and gifts. Sometimes spending so much time with friends and family can be stressful! To manage stress and my mental health, I rely on several tools. I carry packets of adaptogens, functional mushrooms, and HRBLS Nerve Less, a taste, easy option for travel. Meditation is great because it’s free and you can do it basically anywhere (I love the Insight Timer app!), and the same goes for journaling. It also helps to keep your body moving— you can grab a free yoga class on YouTube, or Kait Hurley’s app KAIT features workouts followed by a short meditation. Or just sit in child’s pose for a few minutes as needed.

read the full story, here


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