Coffee-Not-Coffee With Herbalist Rachelle Robinett

I was introduced to the term “coffee-not-coffee” in Southeast Asia last year by a guide who kept referring to the beverage we had to try. It took some sleuthing to uncover the actual brew, which turned out to be soybeans and scorched corn - as dark as coffee, similarly flavored, but definitely not-coffee!

Morning Mood-Up Coffee-Not-Coffee


1 cup coffee, Matcha, Rasa (herbal coffee) or a combination (I like coffee and herbal coffee together)

1 tbsp. MCT oil

½ tsp. Sun Potion Mucuna Pruriens powder (or Mucuna Transcendent Elixir)


1 serving Anandamide

1 serving tincture of choice (I love Bacopa)


Blend with a hand- or full-sized blender & enjoy.

Make a cold version by adding ice or a frozen banana to the blender.

this post appears originally here


Podcast | Rachelle Robinett on Herbs, Supplements and Lifestyle with Plant Cunning


Foraging Ten Blocks from Home for Where The Leaves Fall Magazine