Cellular Health & Vibrational Balance with EMF Mitigation
One of the reasons that I love herbalism — why I have basically married it, committing my personal and professional (and even creative) time to it — is because it’s supremely holistic. Herbalism is a lifestyle. You’ve heard me say it, and I hope that it’s clear in the degree to which its practices saturate my life and work here, which seem to resonate so thoroughly with you. (And for that, I am glad!)
But, herbalism is not just about plants, herbs, nature; it’s about our entire organism. Which means our physical body, our mental and emotional health, our energetic body, and the environment that we’re in — from the physical to the much more subtle.
Those factors that we don’t sense consciously are not missed by our body. Our autonomic, subconscious and other body systems pick up on far more than we realize, and are in constant motion toward equilibrium. Balance, as you know, is not a static state. Allostasis is a concept I love: Stability through variation.
The invisibles that descend can be environmental toxins, electromagnetic frequencies, weather changes, and much more. On the electromagnetic frequency note (EMFs) I’ve recently shared a bit about a tool that I have to help mitigate the effect of EMFs. It doesn’t block them, but it helps our cells recover. (To me, that’s similar to antioxidants, which help reverse the damage caused by aging, which in turn can lead to longer life. It’s not that they block aging. They just help us recover from it better.)
The Somavedic is that — a tool for supporting the health of some of our body systems that we’re less consciously aware of. (But, we become consciously aware of them when they’re out of balance and we have brain fog or lethargy or moodiness or insomnia …)
To use the Somavedic, you just plug it in and let it run. It emits its own frequency — it’s a vibrational tool and its benefits extend for 100 feet in all directions. In a way (my words), it’s like having a singing bowl going 24/7 that only your energetic body can “hear” — keeping you well tuned and molecularly aligned at all times. Another feature that I quite like is its ability to restructure water. I won’t get into that right now — it’s a bit of an IYKYK situation. I have my Somavedic by my water filter (Berkey) so I get both benefits every day.
Last month, I posted about other tools that I (and other herbalists and healers) use for similar “non-physical” healing. That could be palo santo, tobacco, sweetgrass or other smudging herbs; rapé, coca, psilocybin, san pedro and other psychoactive or entheogenic plants; crystals (which are actually in the Somavedic too); singing bowls and tuning forks or other sound instruments (also a vibrational healing technique). These are central to herbalism, which is central to global health (and food) systems that have been in place and evolving for thousands of years. In fact, using nature for health is the foundation on which current medical systems are based. And, traditional medicine — another name for herbalism — is still the primary form of healthcare for about 80% of the world’s population.
My hope is that that number increases, rather than decreases. And that nature-based wellness merges with the powers of modern medicine to bring functional health to more living beings every year.
If this speaks to you, you can learn more about Somavedic here.
Use code RACHELLE10 for a little discount if you like.
As always, I hope this serves you well!