Rachelle Robinett Supernatural Herbalism 4-Week Course.jpg

Empowering & Powerful Herbalism Education

Herbalism also includes nutrition, gut-health, mental health, and lifestyle adjustments. Learn those foundations in Supernatural’s 4-Week Herbal Health Course.

Dive Deeper


Our classes are created based on popular demand — you asked for them! Begin with the ones that focus on what you need most, and explore from there. If you’re not sure where to begin, we suggest the 4-Week Course, or Herbalism Essentials, which are foundational. Really, you can’t go wrong.

Each class focuses on a specific subject, and because health includes the whole body-mind-spirit — and herbalism treats the entirety — certain topics will arise in multiple places. For example, gut health is major for skin issues so we cover it in both classes. (We still recommend taking both classes!)


A Guide to Our Classes

  • Looking to reset health, shake off old habits or excess weight, start a new routine, be immersed in herbal wellness for a month, emerge refreshed and with an understanding of the foundations of holistic health from an herbalism perspective? 4-Week Herbal Health Course

  • Struggling with high stress, low mood, anxiety, panic attacks, nervousness, or adrenal depletion? Herbs for Stress & Anxiety Relief

  • Digestive upset, weight or blood sugar imbalances, chronic allergies, skin struggles, mysterious symptoms that may be gut-related, recent antibiotic use, low immunity? Supernatural Gut Health

  • Hormone disruption or changes, hormone-related skin issues, quitting birth control? Herbalism for Hormone Balance

  • Low energy, brain fog, prevention of age-related cognitive issues? Brain Health & Herbal Nootropics

  • Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, preventing thyroid imbalances? Herbal Protocol for Thyroid Health